Tissue Donations

Learn more

How Can I Donate Skin?

In Australia, skin can only be donated from deceased donors.

You can register your wish to be a tissue donor in Australia on the DonateLife website: www.donatelife.gov.au.

It is also important to tell your family members your wishes as they will be asked to help facilitate donation at that time

installation of The Gif sculpture at DTBV

The Gift Installation at Southbank

A new piece of art has come to Southbank. Tucked away at the end of Moore Street, outside the Donor Tissue Bank of Victoria, is the latest creation by former Emergency Services Minister, Bruce Esplin.

The heart of the matter: cardiac tissue donation

Although there are mechanical alternatives, nothing beats a donated heart valve for the health and livelihoods of the patients of Dr Peter Skillington, Cardiothoracic Surgeon at The Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Bruce Esplin’s ‘The Gift’ Sculpture

Former Victorian Emergency Services Commissioner and sculptor, Bruce Esplin, talks about the process of creating the “Giving Hands” sculpture as his way of giving something back to the DTBV.