Working closely with supportive partners, there is significant scope to extend our donation potential to beyond the Coronial setting through direct potential donor notifications from hospitals and allied health services (eg, Ambulance Victoria).
Underpinned by our philosophy of high ethical practice, DTBV will be better able to supply Victoria’s research community with essential human tissues to undertake medical research into diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and other psychiatric and neurological illnesses.
The new DTBV facility is designed to be adaptable. It can provide existing services but also has the capacity to support new technologies and processes that require a high cleanroom specification and regulatory compliance. The Tissue Bank will be able to store more tissue and expand its capability to provide highly processed grafts such as freeze-dried and demineralised bone, as well as acellular grafts. The cleanrooms also incorporate a cell culture suite with a view to prepare and seed human cells to human tissue scaffolds, generating potentially viable patient grafts for implant.