The DTBV’s quality, licensing and accreditation is managed by the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine.
The DTBV’s licensing and accreditation includes:
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
The Donor Tissue Bank of Victoria is licensed by the TGA to retrieve, process, store and distribute human allograft tissue nationally.
The DTBV operates a TGA licensed laboratory to perform microcontamination and syphilis testing and virology screening.
View our Licences:
- Licence to Manufacture Therapeutic Goods – No. 37110 (PDF)
- Schedule of Conditions Applicable to the Manufacture of Therapeutic Goods (PDF)
National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)
The DTBV, as part of the VIFM, is accredited to:
AS 4633:2004 (ISO 15189:2003) for Medical Testing incorporating the Forensic Operations Module in the following applications:
- Microbiology
- Bacteriology
- Serology of infection